Night vision Clip-on
Digital Crosshairs Night Vision Clip-on

Night Vision Clip-on
Digital Crosshairs 1000S night vision clip-on can be mounted on any caliber rifle, crossbow, or pistol scope in less than 1 minute. No digital or thermal scope will ever replace quality glass optics for day time hunting and shooting. We do not compete with Leupold, Vortex, Nikon, and other fine optics, we enhance them with extreme low light capabilities for dusk and dawn hunting and IR night vision for after dark. If you have quality guns and optics that you can’t use after dark, Digital Crosshairs 1000S is your answer.

night vision with your existing scope
Are you ready to take your night hunting to the next level? Look no further than the Digital Crosshairs night vision scope clip-on! This revolutionary device is a game changer for all night hunters out there. With its built in SONY starlight cutting-edge technology, it seamlessly attaches to your existing day scope, transforming it into a high-quality night vision scope. Imagine being able to switch from daytime shooting to nighttime hunting without the hassle of swapping out scopes. The digital crosshairs night vision clip-on makes it possible!
Night Vision on every Gun
One night vision clip-on investment puts night vision on your crossbow, rifle, shotgun, pistol yes anything with a scope. Move it from gun to crossbow in less than a minute. No re-zero required!
This IR night vision clip-on uses your scope’s quality optics. No re-zeroing is required. See hogs like these in total darkness 500+ yards away. Go ahead, take your shot!
rugged night vision clip-on
Handles any Recoil
This Digital Crosshairs 1000s night vision clip-on package was designed by hunters for hunters who want to keep their quality glass optics and still have night vision. Mounts on Leupold, Nikon, Vortex, Night Force, Burris, Swarovski and other fine optics in less than a minute. Easily move from scope to scope with no need to re-zero.