Best Wild Hog Baits
Wild hogs have a big apatite and a great since of smell for finding food. They say a wild hog can smell food for miles but what is the best recipe for getting them in your sighs? Seems like most hunters start with a base line of corn and sugar mixed with some type of flavor from soda, Cool Aid, Jello, molasses, and yeast. Rice bran is a powder that is rich in protein that hogs also love to eat.
Mixing anise oil(an essential oil used in perfumes, soaps, alcohol, gelatin, and candies) with corn can be an effective. A bag of this mixture hung from a tree help the smell travel and bring hogs from miles away.
Here are some links to my favorite sight for finding hog bait recipes:
- https://www.independenceranch.com/blogs/news/how-to-create-hog-bait-at-home
- https://outriggeroutdoors.com/blogs/night-hunting/finding-the-best-wild-hog-bait-attractant
- https://www.wideopenspaces.com/how-to-make-diy-hog-hunting-bait/

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