Blind Hunter Harvest Mule Deer & Elk With Adaptive Scope Clip-on

Assisted blind hunter, Colt W. with friends harvested mule deer and elk using Digital Crosshairs 1000A adaptive day light scope clip-on for visually challenged, assisted blind, and handicapped hunters.
Photos of my friend Colt W. who has now successfully used your sighting mechanism twice!  Once for a mule deer, and yesterday we were able to harvest his elk!  The sight work beautifully (I was with him for the elk).  
Colt tells me he got his deer from a blind,
but when we were scouting for elk yesterday we found a big herd here in Estes Park on a piece of property were he could take a shot.  There were about 150 animals in the herd, and the bulls were pushing them pretty hard (i.e.: moving pretty quickly). We finally got a good broadside shot at 120 yards.  With the daylight filter in place, the viewfinder was clear and I was able to help Colt take his shot.  Very clean!  One-shot kill. 500 lb cow.
“As someone who assists a blind hunter, I LOVE your product.  Thank you!” Bill A.
Digital Crosshairs 1000A adaptive daylight scope clip-on attaches to any scope and adds an LCD targeting display that show the scope’s field of view in real time.

Author: DigitalFOV

Founder and Chief Innovator at Digital FOV, LLC