Don’t give up your Leupold for night vision hog hunting!
With a night vision clip-on you get great night vision and can keep your quality day scope with no re-sighting required. A clip-on lets you use any of your scoped rifles at night without having to dedicate a gun for night hunting.
Learn more at: or call 404-590-6513
Clip it onto a Nikon, Leupold, Bushnel, Vortex, UTG or any scope
Learn more at: or call 404-590-6513
No matter who manufactures a digital night vision solution, they all work the same way. Digital night vision uses a video board camera to capture IR light through a lens and display the image on a near eye display or gun mounted LCD display. Display and camera resolution, light sensitivity, and lens quality are the key factors to look for. With digital technology, it is all about the quality of the components.
Dedicating a rifle to a night vision scopes means giving up quality glass optics for daytime shooting with that gun.
Digital scopes do not give you the same level of day light performance as you expect from your Leupold, Vortex or other quality glass optics. That is where night vision clip-on’s really shine. Hunters can use quality glass optics during daylight hours and then attach a night vision clip-on to that same scope for night time hunting.
Learn more at: or call 404-590-6513
Digital night vision is experiencing falling prices and improved quality.
The security industry and auto industry are investing billions in researching digital night vision and that is easily incorporated into devices like rifle scopes and trail cameras for the hunting industry. or Call 404-590-6513
Digital FOV is makes a product call Digital Crosshairs 1000. This is an IR night vision scope clip-on with a price point starting at just $600. For that price you get everything you need to turn a standard day scope into a Gen 2+ quality night vision device with a range of 150 to 200+ yards in the dark. Another advantage of this solution is that you also get a low light system. Digital Crosshairs 1000 has a light sensitivity of .03 LUX which means at dusk and dawn you will be able to see deer stepping out of those distant shadows.

Don’t let the price fool you. Digital night vision prices will continue to fall while performance just continues to increase.

Call 404-590-6513