New Digital Night Vision
A Money Making Opportunity for Hunting Outfitters
Advances in low cost digital IR night vision products like Digital Crosshairs 1000 night vision clip-on lets outfitters get into the night hunting business for an investment as low as $600.
BYOG – “Bring Your Own Gun” guided night vision hunts, since it mounts on any scope in minutes. BYOG and ammo futher reduces the outfitters cost.
With most digital night vision systems, you can expect to get digital high contrast black and white night vision 150+ yards out, how far do your average clients shoot? As a business decision, why pay more?
How much money are you leaving on the night vision table? While you sleep, others are raking in the cash with happy hunters enjoying an exciting experience.

If your an outfitter taking hunters out at night with a dedicated night vision scope or thermal, you can’t see what they are shooting unless you have two night vision devices. Then you still don’t really know what they are looking at. With digital products like Digital Crosshairs 1000 just look over the hunters shoulder and everyone in the group can see what they are targeting. A lot more fun for everyone and safer for you as a professional guide.
Return on investment? How about one or two hunts and it’s paid for. The rest is all profit! Don’t wait, start earning night hunting cash now.
Call 404-590-6513 today or visit us on the web at www.digitalcrosshairs.net