Night vision hunting is the rage right now and a lot of fun. But would you trade a great Leupold or Nikon scope for a night vision scope?
Get the best of both worlds with Digital Crosshairs night vision clip-onhttp://www.digitalcrosshairs.net
Night vision scopes are great for hog and coyote hunting in the dark of night. Something you can not do with a standard day vision scope. But great scope manufacturers that produce high quality optics are in a class of there own, way better than any night vision device.
If you want the best in day vision scope optics and you also want to hunt at night you choice is clearly a night vision clip-on that will convert your quality optics into a night vision scope on evenings you want to hunt in the dark.

Digital Crosshairs 1000 is a night vision clip-on that attaches to the eye piece of your scope, taking advantage of your scope’s optics while capturing the scope’s field of view in total darkness using digital IR night vision.
This low cost clip-on for just $600 attaches to any scope in less than a minute and without re-zeroing, let’s you enjoy night hunting with the same scope you depend on and love for day shooting.
www.digitalcrosshairs.net or call 404-590-6513